CORA partners share their stories of transformation towards a digital society. The pilot Digital Citizen Portal implemented IT solutions that modernised information delivery across the region. As part of the pilot, Amt Hüttener Berge built data terminals (large-format digital outdoor and touch-sensitive indoor screens) in public areas, such as village community house, to share information with citizens and tourists about the region: connecting content and different participants together. Amt Hüttener Berge hopes that through the introduction of these screens & tablets, citizens, elementary schools, local institutions and tourists become empowered to use new services available through fibre networks.

For rural and remote areas to stay attractive for families and businesses, they need a healthy digital environment. This requires a digital infrastructure, well-developed digital services, and sufficient digital skills among the population. The CORA partners faced their challenges and tested own solutions designed to bridge the digital divide in their regions. Check all nine stories of connecting remote areas with digital infrastructure and services.